ーRyota Yoshida, Toru Yasuda, Hironobu Kuruma. Analysis of cervical and upper thoracic spinal segmental rotation angles during end-range neck rotation: Comparison with and without neck pain. JOURNAL OF MANUAL & MANIPULATIVE THERAPY. 1-6, 2022, 4.
ー虎岩太朗, 来間弘展. Effects of a trunk harness on lumbopelvic stability and muscle activity during prone hip extension exercise: 体幹ハーネスが腹臥位股関節伸展運動時の腰椎骨盤の安定性と筋活動に及ぼす影響(修士学位論文)
ー虎岩太朗, 来間弘展. 股関節内外旋誘導バンド装着中の歩行時股関節角度の検討-Study on the angle of hip joint during walk wearing hip bands. 日本保健科学学会誌(発行日未定)
ー安田透, 吉田亮太, 来間弘展. 胸椎モビライゼーションが体幹回旋時の腰椎分節回旋可動域に与える影響. 第9回日本運動器理学療法学術集会, 2021.
ー虎岩太朗、坂崎純太郎、井上隼、樋口貴広. 障害物Timed Up and Go Test : 高齢者における外側回避方向と歩幅の関係性. 日本予防理学療法学会 第6回 サテライト集会 in YAMAGATA 2021, 2021.
ーHironobu Kuruma, Taro Toraiwa, Shota Sato, Yusuke Kumada, Hirota Sakurai, Nami Shida, Yorimitsu Furukawa. Beneficial effects of harness for farmers. World Physiotherapy Congress 2021online, 2021.
ーRyota Yoshida, Hironobu Kuruma. Analysis of cervical and upper thoracic spinal segmental rotation angles during neck rotation: Comparison with and without neck pain. World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online, 2021.
ーM. Kim, H. Kuruma, T. Yakazu, A. Lanuakum, R. Yoshida. Elongation band effect for the shoulder joint of the elderly. World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 online, 2021.
ーTaro Toraiwa, Nohana Yamaguchi, Hironobu Kuruma. Study on the angle of hip joint during walk wearing hip bands. International society of electrophysiology and kinesiology 2020, 2020.
ーNohana Yamaguchi, Taro Toraiwa, Hironobu Kuruma. Relationship between hip rotation and knee valgus of rugby players during jump landing. International society of electrophysiology and kinesiology 2020, 2020.
ー寒川 美奈(監), 三木 貴弘(編). 卒後5年までにマスターすべき 運動器障害理学療法 上肢・頸部 基礎から実践まで. メジカルビュー社, 2022. (分担執筆; 臨床推論の項を吉田亮太が担当)